The following is a transcript of a live chat with Court TV anchor Gregg Jarrett, held May 3, 1995. OnlineHost: CourtTV10 has entered the room. Odyssa: what was this business about the tape that they had on tv Host Wink: Well.. some of my winking was being taken seriously, Teri Odyssa: was iyt on already? OnlineHost: DptyDA has entered the room. Odyssa: or will it be on? D KRAFT: How many alternate jurors are left now? Mudskppr: Newmac- Try putting sedatives in their food Ananias: Hey... I'm making progress with Mack! Itooligy: 5 MEEMA 123: M & A what a team !!!!!!!!!!! lOL I have been looking for this new person Uranus LOL NAPOLIANSO: Oky what tape is that Mudskppr: valiam's a good one TeriLynn19: So what'll his handle be, Wink? Or do we refer to him simply as MrJarrett. DptyDA: Hey Meems - keeping everyone in line? Newmac: hi dpt D KRAFT: If everyone gets "stressed out" like the flight attendant, there won't be anyone left Host Wink: I don't know... i was not informed Teri.. Pegi heard it on TV today :) MEEMA 123: Dpty haahaahaaaaahah LOL:) DptyDA: hi newmac Itooligy: Is Greg Jarrett really coming online? 9:30 PST or EST Ananias: It's killing me too Meema! MEEMA 123: Anan LOL ;) Host Wink: Eastern, Itooligy TeriLynn19: Or he could be here already? Amongst us now? Odyssa: who is greg jarrett? Baja Beach: LOL Odyssa DptyDA: I do see CourtTV10 on my people list OnlineHost: D KRAFT has left the room. MEEMA 123: Jury tha tis gone-flight attendant is she still in hosptal ????? Baja Beach: He's a CTV anchor Newmac: ody,ctv lawyer? not sure Ananias: Probably the best of the court tv anchors. Mudskppr: Ody- I think he was on "Big Valley" Itooligy: Greg is a CTV anchor, also a lawyer Odyssa: oh ok Newmac: lol mud MackDad641: LOL, Mud. OnlineHost: NinaBika has entered the room. Baja Beach: He's VERY good....intelligent and anylitical. PhonLdy: May be he's in the Louis V bag CourtTV10: Good evening. This is Gregg Jarrett...I'm on early. Credentials: lawyer, anchor, flunkie.. Newmac: lol phon CourtTV10: Baja...thanks. Newmac: hi gregg :> Baja Beach: Hey's it going? NAPOLIANSO: That juror is what happens when you allow affirmative action on a jury Host Wink: Well Hello Gregg :) Baja Beach: De're welcom. TeriLynn19: but how could he be on TV and be online here at the same time? Is that possible? PhonLdy: hi greg DptyDA: Greg -quick - how tall is Marcia Clark MEEMA 123: HiTV10 ;) Host Wink: How about that!! :D CourtTV10: Not bad...slow stuff today Odyssa: he could have alap top:) Mudskppr: What's the blond woman's name on Court TV who does the defense? No pun intended CourtTV10: I finished PTJ already MackDad641: This trial is what happens when you allow affirmative action for the DA and judge. Itooligy: Christine Janette-Meyers Baja Beach: Really? How was the morning session with Jill Lansing? NAPOLIANSO: agreed Mack Odyssa: shut up child molestor CourtTV10: Kristin, actually Itooligy: What is PTJ? OnlineHost: LEKB has entered the room. Host Wink: Odyssa.. please refrain .. thanks! OnlineHost: Gginny has entered the room. TeriLynn19: Which militia do you ride with, MackDad? Mudskppr: She has yet to say anything insightful CourtTV10: Jill is one of the nicest and smartest of all LA lawyers DptyDA: Really, being a details nut, how tall is Marcia Clark? Ananias: It's Kristin! Tell us about the jurors. Baja Beach: I'm sure. Heard good things about her. Ananias: Are they disgusted with the over extensive crosses Newmac: good question ana Mudskppr: Ana- I know I am MEEMA 123: ...any word on the juror who was taken to hosptial yesterday NAPOLIANSO: Oky who is a childmolester CourtTV10: This is Gregg....I was just spelling Kristin's name correctly MackDad641: The Danielle Steele milita. Odyssa: a "mackdad" is a child pimp OnlineHost: DavidSut has entered the room. Itooligy: CourtTV10.....Is it really you Greg? What color is your hair? OnlineHost: Gginny has left the room. Baja Beach: LOL Ito. TeriLynn19: What does OJ get to eat for lunch, Greg? Host Wink: We have a guest... could we try and be polite folks?? :) OnlineHost: JTom307483 has entered the room. CourtTV10: Brown hair. No word yet on the hospitalized juror. Mudskppr: How do we know it's REALLY Gregg? Ananias: Gregg... what does she say? Are the jurors as disgusted with the defense antics as we are? Odyssa: and i think it is unconscionable that anyone would adopt sich a screenname MackDad641: No family stories tonight, Ody. PhonLdy: Is Chris Darden as aragant in person as he is in Court. He deserves a good slap DptyDA: Wink --- you're asking TOO much LOL Itooligy: Thanks Gregg....I'm sorry I spelled Kristen's name wrong CourtTV10: OJ lunch is usually a cold sandwich...though he gets a hot dinner NinaBika: Good question, Ananias Mudskppr: I like Darden Itooligy: Personally I like Darden DptyDA: I like Harmon! Odyssa: and that i would be reprimanded for calling them onit MEEMA 123: TV10: thanks..hows it going in court via cross? NAPOLIANSO: What is wrong with his screen name Itooligy: Dpty in Rocke? CourtTV10: I don't think the jurors are OPENLY disgusted. But I'm sure they gave Ito an earful. DptyDA: Yep TeriLynn19: Thanks, Courtv10. Mudskppr: Gregg- Where does OJ get to spend his court breaks? NinaBika: TV10--an earfull about the defense antics???? OnlineHost: Fixit3 has entered the room. Newmac: mud, in handcuffs? MackDad641: My apologies if my name stirs up any repressed memories, Ody. CourtTV10: There's a security room just down the hall from the courtroom. He spends time there. Mudskppr: LOL Newmac Itooligy: CourtTV.....Do you think the jury will be annoyed with the 'over crossexam.." TeriLynn19: Why won't California pay more than 5 bucks a day to jurors? I mean what can you buy with $5 LEKB: Gregg: What do you think Ito said to the jurors to get them to break the "strike"? TeriLynn19: bucks? OnlineHost: LarryS2K has entered the room. Mudskppr: With other prisoners or all by his special self? NAPOLIANSO: Oky have you had a horrible experience with someone named MackDad CourtTV10: Yup. Did you notice how dramatically the Judge changed after meeting with the jurors?n MEEMA 123: Nap :don't.....ask LOL Baja Beach: Greg, how do you think the jurors take in ALL THE LAWYERS? Too much for them? Ananias: Yes! It was very refreshing. NinaBika: TV10--is that a yup to me, about the defense antics??? OnlineHost: TORIZIMMER has entered the room. Newmac: gregg,very noticeable,didn't think he had it in him NAPOLIANSO: I thought it was only ILYAN who brought back these memories TORIZIMMER: hi Host Wink: NAPOLIANSO and Odyssa... please put your attention on the topic and our guest.. please? Ananias: I think the solution is to replace the comfy chairs with a wooden bench Gregg! CourtTV10: Ito is a pro at compromise. He probably promised to move things along. Odyssa: still no reprimand for mackdad CourtTV10: NinaBika: yup MEEMA 123: TV10; can Ito keep up the pace ?? Odyssa: those who stand up for justice are alwys persecuted Host Wink: FOlks.. remember your ignore features on unwanted chat :) Mudskppr: Ody- Chill out NinaBika: Wow!! Host Wink: Who has a question for Mr. Jarrett?? :) TORIZIMMER: hi wink! MEEMA 123: Wink mine busted after puck LOL ;) Host Wink: Hello TORI :) PhonLdy: Gregg, I know this is your career choice but are you getting disgusted with this trial yet? TeriLynn19: thinks we have some reps from the Michigan militia here online. Danielle Steele Militia! OnlineHost: Brainysmf has entered the room. CourtTV10: Ito was a little late: about 15 weeks too late. The trial is in serious jeophardy NAPOLIANSO: lets talk about the trial Host please reprimand Ody a little more harshly so we can get on LEKB: Thanks, Gregg. That makes sense. I wonderedi if he would get out of it gracefully. NAPOLIANSO: with the topic at hand Fixit3: Gregg - Do you think Scheck really has something shocking on edta testing? CourtTV10: Disgusted? Long ago. NinaBika: I loved the way Cockran was caught making a face and will be sanctioned.... MEEMA 123: TV 10 how so ..closer to a mistrial ??? Itooligy: Gregg...Are you sick of the trial pace? Ananias: Gregg, if you realize the media has cause this case to take a great deal longer, what justifies that? Mudskppr: Mr. Jarrett- I'm sorry but that's too damn long to type. I'm calling you Greg Mudskppr: and you only get two "g"s CourtTV10: Scheck? I doubt it. But I admit I'm intrigued. Newmac: lol mud OnlineHost: ChrissAG has entered the room. Baja Beach: How long till a personal, not professional, opinion. NinaBika: TV10-I believe that Cochran has started and fuled the bickering that we have witnessed, agr? MEEMA 123: MUd; i am i m p r e s s e d LOL TORIZIMMER: fix i doubt it just blowing smoke ! NAPOLIANSO: Nina that wasn't making a face he just has big lips TeriLynn19: so if the number of jurors drops below 12, will Ito declare manifest necessarily? CourtTV10: I really don't think the media is to blame for the pace: ultimately it's the judge's resp. Ananias: Wouldn't it be better to video tape the trial and then make a show out of it after the verdict? MackDad641: Scheck is going to reduce the lying Rock Harmon to rubble. OnlineHost: MomsDayIn has entered the room. MEEMA 123: Makc tie will tell LOL Newmac: gregg,yes what do you think will happen? mistrial? MEEMA 123: thats...TIMe ..will tell ;) Fixit3: what is opinion about Rock Harmon? he at least spices it up. Baja Beach: Thank you Newmac. CourtTV10: Did you notice the sanctions today? TORIZIMMER: mack harmon can hold his own! Baja Beach: About the speaking objections....LOL MackDad641: The best Harmon can do is lies and innuendo. DavidSut: Can't both sides agree to a jury of less than 12 people if they want to? Newmac: no,thank you Baja :> Mudskppr: Meema- Don't be. I almost said one "g" NinaBika: TV10--I think Cockran is repsonsible for the childish behabior in the court room; agree?? DptyDA: What were they, Gregg? MackDad641: Harmon doesn't have anything to hold. MEEMA 123: CRTV 10: no what were they NAPOLIANSO: What sanctions CourtTV10: I'm not allowed to predict...sorry TeriLynn19: What sanctions? Did Karl fall on another sword or hasn't the blood dried from his last fall MEEMA 123: Mud :/ Newmac: baja,lol Baja Beach: OKay. LarryS2K: Gregg, if there is a hung jury, any chance O.J. will get the dream team back? Newmac: we tried NAPOLIANSO: What sanctions for what? CourtTV10: Sanctions: 250 bucks against Goldberg...and 250 against Cochran/OJ OnlineHost: Romany01 has entered the room. NAPOLIANSO: what for Baja Beach: Chatting objections...LOL MEEMA 123: CRTV 10 WHY??????? OnlineHost: Ms Chessie has entered the room. TeriLynn19: Why, CourTV10? What did they do or say? PhonLdy: OJ seemed to really get talkative about his friend and Atty. Is he allowed to talk so much? Mudskppr: Not enough! Should be in the tens of thousands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 CourtTV10: There will always be a "dream team" for a guy like OJ Newmac: wow missed that Baja Beach: SPEAKING OBJECTIONS BEFORE THE COURT Baja Beach: sheesh! Fixit3: Don't you think OJ will be broke after this trial? TORIZIMMER: court yes i did ! i think it will be money sanction's again, think he was mad at oj johny! MackDad641: Goldberg can't afford his 250 bucks. TeriLynn19: So when Ito says for them to be quiet, he means it huh? MEEMA 123: CTRTV10 thats a nightmere-ish thought LOL CourtTV10: Sanctions for a "speaking objection" (Goldberg) and "talking too much" (Cochran/OJ) LarryS2K: Gregg, I guess you're right, he;ll never go broke like Menendez. OnlineHost: MAhlin7458 has entered the room. NinaBika: TV10--it seems like Cochran has started the wrangling postures of the attorneys; disagree? Brainysmf: kardashian is the wild card. he knows all NAPOLIANSO: Fixit He made millions on his book MEEMA 123: Baja...thnks ;) OnlineHost: SBLC has entered the room. Mudskppr: Who cares if he's broke? He'll be in prison CourtTV10: OJ has powerful and rich and loyal friends. They extend well beyond Kardashian DavidSut: Does anyone know if a jury with less than 12 is possible? MAhlin7458: YOUR CRAZY Baja Beach: think the brother's are broke? You're welcome Meema :-) MEEMA 123: MUd dont bet on that one ..;( OnlineHost: MthrMary has entered the room. PhonLdy: Brain i agree TeriLynn19: well, poor Johnnie hasn't said anything in such a long time, that it all came out at once! CourtTV10: What do you mean "wrangling" NinaBika: Mud--he should be, but he won't. He will always be supported by some rich guys wanting.... NinaBika: to play golf withhim; Ananias: Gregg, why don't you take questions from here for the noon time show? MackDad641: Where is CTV located in New York, Gregg? OnlineHost: DptyDA has left the room. TORIZIMMER: court he was mad at goldberg firt for speaking objection's then def and oj were talking LarryS2K: Hi, Baja, definitely broke! Brainysmf: he is so sinister looking. type casting for career killer CourtTV10: Less than 12 is possible if both sides agree MEEMA 123: Mack.. eheehhheee ;) Baja Beach: Hmmmm. Okay Baja Beach: CTV needs an auditorium... Odyssa: cutting and pasting:NAPOLIANSO: ILTAN says Mack really knows how to entertain the kids.+ NAPOLIANSO: What an atty can't talk to his lawyer MomsDayIn: With all the blood evidence in this case, won't the defense team have to convince the jury MackDad641: Hey Gregg? DavidSut: That is what I thought. Thanks TV10 CourtTV10: Court TV is based in Manhattan TeriLynn19: so which juror is likely to go next, Greg? Any bets going on? Fixit3: The defense looks as bored as we are. I guess they each want their air time. Newmac: gregg,have you been here before? NAPOLIANSO: that was ILYAN MackDad641: Where in Manhatten, Gregg? MomsDayIn: that everyone involved in case, lapd, is conspiring? Odyssa: no it was you nap Host Wink: Odyssa... please do not cause disruption .. thanks! Baja Beach: What's with the motion about targeting jurors? MEEMA 123: Mack -yellow paged it ;) CourtTV10: 39th street and 3rd ave Fixit3: Gregg - Why did you stop practicing? PhonLdy: Nice neiborhood OnlineHost: Odyssa has left the room. MackDad641: What is the official name, Gregg? TORIZIMMER: brainy he looked like he could kill or somthing, oj kept rocking back & forth! weird Host Wink: <--- wants CTV in Michigan :( CourtTV10: I don't have a clue as to the next dismissed juror, if any. I suspect there will be more Brainysmf: who do you expect is doing the threatening of pros witnesses Mudskppr: Greg- Tell the truth: Are you in on the frame up too? OnlineHost: NAPOLIANSO has left the room. OnlineHost: SoitBe has entered the room. Newmac: rofl mud LEKB: Possibly the juror whose husband is ill. Host Wink: Mud... LOL.. be nice now ROFL!! MackDad641: Yo Gregg? CourtTV10: I stopped practicing because someone was foolish enough to offer me a job anchoring Baja Beach: GREG: What's the deal with the motion about targeting jurors? LOL Mudskppr. ChrissAG: CourtTV10 when will CTV come to Atlanta? Ms Chessie: Gregg, do you think that this witness will be off the stand quicker than the previous ones? SoitBe: Hi all! TORIZIMMER: new me too rofl !! Baja Beach: LOL CTV Mudskppr: Well everybody else and their momma's involved! CourtTV10: MackDad...who are you? MackDad641: What is the official name of Court TV, Gregg? ChrissAG: Hi soitbe MEEMA 123: CRTV u r good at what u do :) LEKB: Gregg: What kind of law did you practice and where? TORIZIMMER: soit hi Newmac: gregg,have yoou come to this chat room before? MackDad641: Inquisitive. CourtTV10: I've been to atlanta several times...remember the cop crime ring case? Ananias: Gregg, have you really been watching lately, or have you been talking to the hosts mostly? Host Wink: Mr. Jarrett... they are a tough crowd... but they watch CTV :) Baja Beach: Courtroom Television Network? Brainysmf: can they use katos tapes and introduce them as evidence CourtTV10: Trial lawyer: defense...both criminal and civil ChrissAG: yea that was big for awhile DavidSut: I will be moderating a local cable tv show on the OJ trial with trial lawyers from Sarasota, MackDad641: If you don't know then you are a fraud, Gregg. DavidSut: FL. Will start next week. LEKB: Thanks Gregg MEEMA 123: Mack..stop please ? Newmac: gregg,this room can really get going somtimes PhonLdy: Gregg, I send my best to your whole crew. You do a GREAT Job. Thanks DavidSut: Anyone know if there is something like it in other areas? NinaBika: TV-10--MackDad is a regular here, does have some intersting opinions, with which I rarely... CourtTV10: I try to watch everything...and talk to the guest commentators. Host Wink: Mack.... please be kind to our guest?? Mmm? MackDad641: Impeachment material. NinaBika: agree OnlineHost: SusanMR has entered the room. Fixit3: Gregg - Do you think pros will get Kato to elaborate on stand? SBLC: If Kardashian was inactive member of bar when he took bag, there is no atty-client privilege TORIZIMMER: david oh ya ? Itooligy: the coverage you and the CTV team provide Baja Beach: Mack.....COURT TV screen names are FORBIDDEN to general users. MackDad641: How do we know this person is really Gregg Jarret? Itooligy: SBLC...ditto MEEMA 123: Mack-faith and trust !!!!!! NinaBika: MackDad---he sounds like he talks... Host Wink: The official name, Mack... as Baja explained. Ananias: Do most trials have this kind of nitpicking, like todays discussion of a manual for the criminalists? Mudskppr: Watch a Big Valley rerun and compare looks MackDad641: Tick...tock...tick...tock... CourtTV10: Kato is in a world of trouble. This will end badly for him...I'll give you that prediction DavidSut: Yes, Torizimmer, calling it "Trial of The Century" OnlineHost: Deb1969 has entered the room. Newmac: mud,meema, romany will be mad she missed this PhonLdy: Oh ye of little faith MackDad641: That name is wrong. ChrissAG: how many in here buy the defense story about the planted evidence? MackDad641: One little answer can prove it. Mudskppr: I know, Mack Romany01: Romany is watching, New :) OnlineHost: DurkeeL has entered the room. MomsDayIn: no! TeriLynn19: any theories about Barry Scheck's challenge to that blood chemical? PhonLdy: I do Baja Beach: GREG: You think Kato get will called back the prosecution? Mudskppr: Hi Rom Hi Soitbe MEEMA 123: CRTV Ito is over his head but he is trying no?? Ms Chessie: What was OJ going on about this afternoon. Wasn't it distracting to the attornies who were arguing? CourtTV10: Trials are not usually this tedious MackDad641: Gregg is awful silent now. Newmac: hey rom,why so quiet? OnlineHost: Guide ON has entered the room. Baja Beach: by...sorry Ananias: Mack--would you please stop commenting so much! NinaBika: MackDad---dont be a fool. Guide ON: Evenin all! :) Baja Beach: I can't type!! :-) DurkeeL: Hey, isn't that message new? MackDad641: I am assuming nothing. Host Wink: ON... Hello! Fixit3: Gregg - Do you think 1st amendment in trouble after this mess. Esp last excused juror? Newmac: hi on Baja Beach: Hi GUIDE DurkeeL: The message about legal advice? Guide ON: Hiya Wink! All.. :) TORIZIMMER: ana watched florida case during lunch a week and a half for murder and rape ! Guide ON: ***ATTENTION*** Guide ON: NEVER give your AOL password to ANYONE!!! Guide ON: No AOL staffer will EVER ask for your password!! Guide ON: If this happens to you, PLEASE go to keyword GUIDEPAGER, Guide ON: and click on "Password Solicitation." CourtTV10: Called back? 2 ways: confront him on witness stand...or impeach with another witness Guide ON: Just passing by here.. :) MackDad641: I smell a fraud. OnlineHost: Diazy has entered the room. Baja Beach: OIC......impeach with the guy that recorded him? Host Wink: Mack.. please... Newmac: why mack? CourtTV10: The public's view of the 1st Amend. and it's interaction will trials will never be the same OnlineHost: MICPAC has entered the room. OnlineHost: C92 has entered the room. Ananias: Don't you think that the system was designed for the "poor" defendant, and the rich only abuse it? MEEMA 123: Mack If u don't believe this guy-then jsut...hush ;) TORIZIMMER: mack me too OnlineHost: Brainysmf has left the room. MomsDayIn: If the jury takes it's duty seriously, you might be able to excuse some evidence, not all OnlineHost: Trpal has entered the room. CourtTV10: Sorry...typo..."with" trials will never be the same PhonLdy: gregg when are you on the air again. Mentions this online discussion so we know JTom307483: greg do you think oj is quilty or innocent so far? TORIZIMMER: meema is it real sorry for jumping in ! SBLC: Greg--didn't you guys at CTV state during prelim that Kardashian was inactive CA bar member? Newmac: phon,good thinking CourtTV10: The system is unfair. It favors the rich. You can "buy" injustice in America LarryS2K: Gregg, could you amplify on what you mean by the public view of 1st A. will never be the sam Baja Beach: <------------------Court TV Addict. Wouldn't you like to be an addict too? Be an addict... Baja Beach: :-) MEEMA 123: Tor ??? CourtTV10: Kardashian changed from inactive to active TeriLynn19: Or maybe just tug on your left ear for a half a second, Greg! We'lll get the messge. Newmac: lol baj Host Wink: Mack.. CourtTV are blocked to the public.... please go back to being cordial? Mudskppr: greg- I really loathe court TV's armchair quarterback show lawyers OnlineHost: Breaks007 has entered the room. Mudskppr: They're soo obnoxious Newmac: lol teri OnlineHost: No1Chacha has entered the room. OnlineHost: Deb1969 has left the room. Mudskppr: No offence to you of course MackDad641: Gregg doesn't know where his checks come from. Itooligy: But didn't he change after the luggage incident? CourtTV10: Elaborate: It's the media's bad conduct OUTSIDE the courtroom which does damage to 1st OnlineHost: Eric8hunts has entered the room. SBLC: Greg--question is WHEN. If when took bag, couldn't represent OJ, so no privilege. Ananias: Gregg: Please ask the management for a place to post questions for the noontime show! TORIZIMMER: mee what mack was talking about is he wrong ? MEEMA 123: Mack it jsut doesn't matter it?? Host Wink: Mack.... again.... refrain from disrupting :( JTom307483: greg do think oj is inocent or quilty so far? NinaBika: TV10--who is this Kardashian---he appears to be such a slime--I wouldn't trust his represtnt OnlineHost: L a w y 1 has entered the room. LarryS2K: Gregg, I agree, but what's going to change about the media's conduct outside? MEEMA 123: TOR; this is a service to us from CRTV okay? Eric8hunts: EDTA TEST SHOW POLICE TAINTED EVIDENCE! L a w y 1: HI all CourtTV10: The question of Kardashian's role re: a tricky one. I doubt he'll be on stand OnlineHost: MICPAC has left the room. Host Wink: Hello Law :) TORIZIMMER: got it mee Newmac: hi law :> Ms Chessie: How can Kardashian claim attorney priviledge when all he does is sit there?? He's not involved. Baja Beach: GREG: How about getting a list of Q's from us to ask your daytime guest commentators?:-) MAhlin7458: GREG HOW OLD ARE YOU? MEEMA 123: hi Law ;) OnlineHost: RWK19 has entered the room. Host Wink: Eric... could you lower your caps please? :) Fixit3: Gregg - I thought faces of defense attnys were pained looking at photo yesterday. MEEMA 123: tor ;) Mudskppr: Kard's no lawyer. He's a valet Ananias: Gregg, do you think a new postal stamp, with that photo of OJ's middle finger would be a big seller? L a w y 1: whats happining any thing good' OnlineHost: Breaks007 has left the room. MomsDayIn: he is a lawyer, and he does not want to say, you have to respect that Ms Chessie: Mud: LOL CourtTV10: I think you'll find the EDTA results support prosecutors and debunk defense planting theory OnlineHost: BCohen6786 has entered the room. CourtTV10: My age: just turned 40 yrs. old Romany01: Greg: If Kardashian's not put on the stand in front of jury, how about in a hearing under OnlineHost: Chublake has entered the room. Romany01: oath? Any chance of that? OnlineHost: WTKRX has entered the room. TORIZIMMER: mud rofl OnlineHost: RWK19 has left the room. Ms Chessie: How much longer are they going to accuse everyone of conspiracy. It's getting ollllld! Mudskppr: thenk yew ChrissAG: Happy 40th C92: What's happening - the rich get the best of everthing, not just the law LEKB: Gregg: Which leaves def. with only swatch-switch theory? Eric8hunts: Court, Sheck said today they show evidence was tampered with DurkeeL: Are lawyers allowed to tamper with evidence under the auspices of lawyer/client priv? CourtTV10: Possible...a 402 hearing outside the presence of the jury OnlineHost: JTom307483 has left the room. NinaBika: TV10--you seem so pro defense on TV---why don't you take these postitions more strongly onTV Newmac: lol mud,how does he make money tho? BCohen6786: DO you think oj is innocent even with nicole's blood on oj's clothes? OnlineHost: No1Chacha has left the room. OnlineHost: Mudskppr has left the room. Fixit3: Gregg - What do you think about the hair appearing in evidence returned by defense? CourtTV10: I love the switched-swatch theory: imaginative...and Americans love conspiracies PhonLdy: How do you get a pass to the courtroom C92: I'm a lawyer; I know of no lawyer who tampers with evidence, or who is allowed to BCohen6786: the aliens did it TORIZIMMER: durk i don't think so do you ? MAhlin7458: GREG DO THE WOMEN ON COURT TV HAVE 10 POUNDS OF MAKE UP ON THEIR FACES DurkeeL: C92, isn't that what Kardashian did though? CourtTV10: Hair in control swatch? Great point for pros. to show the defense contam. evidence too Host Wink: MAhlin... please lower your caps.. it's hard to read.. thanks! Chublake: Hey Rom, are you here reading? NinaBika: TV10--you seem so pro defense onTV--why are you not more pro prosecution on TV? TeriLynn19: How many suits can OJ fit into that tiny jailcell of his? Or does he have a separate closet TeriLynn19: for them? Ananias: Gregg, just want to thank you for coming! And let you know I admire your vocabulary. Best Anchor. OnlineHost: Newmac has left the room. MomsDayIn: my husband's radio station sent Ito a KVIL mug, he used it last week Trpal: and police dont tamper with evidence especially in high profile case Baja Beach: GREG: How many hours do you work everyday...Is the trial beginning to wear you down? ChrissAG: Are we ever going to see the bag Kardashian took for OJ? Diazy: Who's on trial? No defense so go get the messenger! CourtTV10: I think I wear just as much pancake...BUT NO EYE MAKE-UP...HONEST DurkeeL: Teri, he has a separate cell for them. C92: I don't consider K a lawyer; he's a businessman and I put nothing beyond them Fixit3: Half of comments say Gregg pro defense, half pro pros. Baja Beach: LOL OnlineHost: Squeeeter has entered the room. Ananias: They are all very careful about that one, except Fred maybe... he's a little obvious. PhonLdy: What happened about Ito's comment about the new york accent? Chublake: I think that the DNA is going to be the "fireworks" and not very important. Guide ON: Time for me to wander ON... Guide ON: If you need help, please use Keyword: GUIDE PAGER. :D OnlineHost: Newmac has entered the room. CourtTV10: It depends on which bag you're talking about. But Kardashian will say the bag had nothing i CourtTV10: ...but clothes in them Ananias: Still, Fred is so expressive facially. Fixit3: Fred is a kick. I enjoy his comments. OnlineHost: Itooligy has left the room. LEKB: American's love conspiracies, but LAPD's rep. gives a leg-up to the def. Baja Beach: See ya ON Host Wink: bye ON :) BCohen6786: KATO SUCKS ChrissAG: Shouldn't LAPD be permitted to get the bag? OnlineHost: Guide ON has left the room. Chublake: CourtTV10, then with all the cops around, why didn't they stop him with the bag. No sense CourtTV10: Fred's a great guy...lots of home-spun ditties ChrissAG: actually Marcia OnlineHost: BlazerCon has left the room. Host Wink: BCohen.. please be nice.. we have a guest this evening.. thanks! DurkeeL: TV10, that's the point, where are those clothes? and did they have blood? OnlineHost: Brainysmf has entered the room. OnlineHost: Eric8hunts has left the room. OnlineHost: Trucksled has entered the room. Ms Chessie: Why didn't Ito know about the knife found last June. He seems to know everything else?? CourtTV10: ChrissAG: LAPD should have siezed all 5 bags on June 13th...they were asleep at switch BCohen6786: SORRY Ananias: I loved the interview Steve Brill gave to Dick Cavett.. when he said "snow nose" Brills expression Ananias: was priceless. OnlineHost: JanetGK has entered the room. BCohen6786: I STILL THINK KATO SUCKS DavidSut: Professional journalist should be impartial - not take sides. TORIZIMMER: thank you mack did you get mine ? MomsDayIn: they went in the trash at the airport Fixit3: I think pros just want to question Kardash for fun. NinaBika: TV10--as an officer of the court, would it not seem incumbent upon have.... OnlineHost: HARVARD TS has entered the room. NinaBika: turned it over Trpal: lapd did foul up on bags..never happen here in ny ChrissAG: I understand that, but is it too late to get it now? Baja Beach: GREG: Again.....what kind of hours does CTV have you working? Chublake: I think that journalists should tell it like it is and say whatever is on their minds. OnlineHost: Trucksled has left the room. Ananias: Do you blame them for those errors though Gregg, consider all the craziness going on that day? C92: I think Kardashian and Kato have alot of "information" - God knows if we'll ever hear it OnlineHost: OssieBoo has entered the room. OnlineHost: Poo Cub has entered the room. CourtTV10: I try not to take sides...but in analyzing what one side is doing , people mistake comments TeriLynn19: What do you think the backlash will be if OJ gets off, COURTV10? MEEMA 123: Crttv thank you for answering my questions ;) NITE all HARVARD TS: Goodevening all :) Brainysmf: kardash kknows more thjan anybody. question if they can get him on stand ChrissAG: your right CTV OssieBoo: Hey Meema! Night! CourtTV10: Long hours: about 12 to 14 per day...but it varies. Weekends usually off LarryS2K: Gregg, think Ito will preside over retrial? OnlineHost: MEEMA 123 has left the room. Diazy: C92: correction kato & Kard & COWLINGS TORIZIMMER: mee nite Host Wink: hello Harvard... we have a guest from CTV... Mr. Gregg Jarrett this evening ;) Chublake: I still think that everyone is innocent til proven guilty. Someone tell ITO that. Ananias: Sometimes Fred slips though Gregg, and says the word he is really thinking instead of the "right" 1 Fixit3: Gregg - Who will handle Menendez this time? OnlineHost: BCohen6786 has left the room. ChrissAG: Of course Kardashian knows more that is why he quickly got on the defense team OnlineHost: Newmac has left the room. Baja Beach: GREG: Will you anchor for Menendez....or is that too earlier to tell? WoW..on the hours. Chublake: Everyone says that Ito is so fair. Sorry. I don't think that he is. PhonLdy: any thoughts on OJ"s girl friend She seemed to be the only one angry cause she couldn't g PhonLdy: to the resydle Brainysmf: chub you think ito is partial. why? OnlineHost: HARVARD TS has left the room. TORIZIMMER: chub what make's you say that ? CourtTV10: Retrial? That's a tough one. Ito would be the logical choice C92: Diazy - you're right, Cowlings knows more than OJ! OssieBoo: Gregg -- I watch you every day and think you do a great job. OnlineHost: Poo Cub has left the room. OnlineHost: SoccerLau has entered the room. Romany01: Gregg: Ito would be the logical choice for a retrial? Why? I'm surprised. OnlineHost: Derek LL has entered the room. Chublake: The prosecution goes on and on during direct, but defense wants to ? and "more foundation" CourtTV10: Ito is a good judge of the law...sometimes a bad judge of people. But a NICE guy NinaBika: Got to go....thanks CourtTV10...bye all Ms Chessie: Gregg, do you get to go home at all during this long trial?? Ananias: In your career as a trial lawyer, did you notice the cops make more or less mistakes than here? Host Wink: bye Nina :) ChrissAG: I agree CTV CourtTV10: OssieBoo: thanks L a w y 1: CHUB why do you feel he is not fair and to whom Chublake: I worked for a Judge and even that judge didn't care for Ito. OnlineHost: PegiJ has entered the room. NinaBika: bye Host Wink MAhlin7458: GREG,WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MARCIA CLARK OnlineHost: Poodleluv has entered the room. TORIZIMMER: court how nice of you to say that ! OnlineHost: HDPIII has entered the room. TeriLynn19: What do you think will come of the defense claim that its expert witnesses are being harrass Chublake: Lawy1, I thought it wrong to talk about Neufeld, but accept apology for "oriental" jokes. Baja Beach: Gregg: Will you anchor Menendez...or is that too early to tell? CourtTV10: Not alot of judges wanted this case...some did. But once a judge has's hard to pry DurkeeL: Gregg, do you think the jury mutiny is cause for appeal? OnlineHost: MMadry has entered the room. TeriLynn19: ed by the prosecution? OnlineHost: NinaBika has left the room. CourtTV10: I've been home once in the last 4 months. I traded with terry moran for 2 weeks ChrissAG: Gotta give Marcia credit, OnlineHost: SandyII has entered the room. Ms Chessie: Wow, that's tough. I remember that. CourtTV10: I'm switching to our dailey syndicated show in Sept: i goes to 6 days a week OnlineHost: AOL Media has entered the room. OnlineHost: Poodleluv has left the room. OnlineHost: AOL Media has left the room. L a w y 1: agree with you on that one but it just show how vunerable we all are to making comments OnlineHost: N2ition725 has entered the room. OnlineHost: Squeeeter has left the room. TeriLynn19: Have COURTV ratings gone up much since the trial began? CourtTV10: Mutiny could be a ground (among many) on appeal in the event of a conviction Host Wink: Welcome to Court TV Online :) Ms Chessie: I bet the ratings were high last week. CNN didn't run the trial. Chublake: Hey Wink, how are you tonight? OssieBoo: I was a court TV watcher before OJ trial, but now I have it on 3 TVs all day long! Ananias: Teri--they announce new cable carries every day. Baja Beach: Thanks're the greatest! PegiJ: Ct TV10: Welcome, Greg. Question: Did I miss something in the hearing on Kard. What happened to Host Wink: Doing super, Chublake... we have a guest from Court TV tonight, Mr. Jarrett :) CourtTV10: I'm unfamiliar with our rates...except to say they are up TORIZIMMER: WELL GANG I'M TIRED OF PLAYING MAKE BELIEVE SO GOODNITE ALL!!!! Romany01: Gregg: It appears that the Defense doesn't take much note of public opinion...true? PegiJ: the argument that he was OJs counsel at the time of the alleged bag grab: L a w y 1: court tv 10 what about talking to jurrors with out oj present is that appeal issue OnlineHost: SusanMR has left the room. Chublake: The sad thing for Court TV, is when the trial is over, so goes the following. Sorry to say. C92: Court TV10 - I read that you are the "New York Times" of the media, pretty good, huh? PhonLdy: Ossie I agree I've been watching since the blue do lady CourtTV10: Kard hearing? Ito is trying to strike a avoid Kard taking stand Fixit3: Best change in ctv lately is better and more variety of commercials. Even Jenny Craig bette ChrissAG: nite TORIZ OnlineHost: DebraJ9225 has entered the room. OnlineHost: Moiece has entered the room. OnlineHost: WTKRX has left the room. Diazy: Bottom line- Black/white, violence to murder.Blood to the door,Car run, suicide note;buy myfreedom... OnlineHost: AnnieOkly3 has entered the room. OnlineHost: TORIZIMMER has left the room. Ananias: I couldn't understand why he wouldn't let them have a reporter? Couldn't they afford there own Gregg? CourtTV10: I'm surprised. Ito does pay close attention to public opinion. Surprised he didn't react CourtTV10: ...sooner Ms Chessie: I watched CTV before OJ even happened and will continue to do so Baja Beach: I gotta bolt too.....tides comin in....LOL :-) Night all! Thanks Greg, for the chat! Chublake: Best go, have the grandson here tonight and we have donuts to make, OOOOH fun huh? Diazy: not innocent or guilt, can I oj get away with it? PegiJ: CT TV10: Thanks. CourtTV10: Let who have a reporter? Host Wink: Night Baja :) OnlineHost: Chublake has left the room. Baja Beach: Night Wink :-) Host Wink: Take care, Chub :) Ananias: The kard interview Gregg PegiJ: Ct 10: From Ito's position, would guess he would rather be lenient than reversed. PhonLdy: This has been great night all MMadry: O.J. will get away with it OnlineHost: TeriLynn19 has left the room. AnnieOkly3: What is this "warning" I get before I get to the Chat Room??? OnlineHost: Baja Beach has left the room. OnlineHost: PhonLdy has left the room. OnlineHost: Moiece has left the room. OnlineHost: Traella has entered the room. Ananias: Ito denied her request to have a recorder present. Romany01: Gregg: Not Ito and public opinion..The Dream Team..they seem to miss the fact that few AnnieOkly3: OJ didna do it. DurkeeL: Gregg, does anyone from CTV every check out this Chat Room for sample of public opinion? Romany01: are buying this nonsense Fixit3: Gregg - Did Ito seem starstruck in beginning. change came with Rosa Lopez debacle? HDPIII: what is the risk of mistrial from lack of jurors? AnnieOkly3: Yea ITO CourtTV10: I'm sorry...I don't get it...Kard interview/reporter? Host Wink: Annie... just a disclaimer :) Ms Chessie: Right, Rom, and they keep on and on and on, each basking in their own moment of glory! PegiJ: Ananias: Yes...but nothing says prosec. cant have its own reporter present for the 'discussion' OnlineHost: DebraJ9225 has left the room. CourtTV10: Yeah...producer Mark Weston always checks in OnlineHost: AOL Media has entered the room. Ananias: Sheri asked him to have their meeting recorded...Ito refused. Why? OnlineHost: AOL Media has left the room. MthrMary: romany, fewer and fewer every day! AnnieOkly3: Host, is CTV nervous, too, these days?? MMadry: everyone thinks he did it he will still walk DavidSut: What is Mark Weston's screen name? OnlineHost: Trpal has left the room. CourtTV10: I think Ito was overwhelmed more than starstruck...he didn't anticipate this N2ition725: Right MMadry! ChrissAG: Sure he's gonna walk AnnieOkly3: Sheri asked for tooooo much MAhlin7458: BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OssieBoo: Hear jury was hanging on Matheson's every word, but during X-exam, they're barely taking notes C92: It's a "bad" suicide note when you have cash, a gun and a passport PegiJ: Ananias: Ito said he wouldlnt furnish the court reporter; they can get their own. OnlineHost: MAhlin7458 has left the room. Derek LL: HDPIII>defense said they would never agree to a mistrial CourtTV10: mean COURT reporter. They should have one...but because he's a lawyer...courtesy Fixit3: Seems like remaining jury is reasonable. Maybe will feel intelligence insulted. Ananias: Courtesy to say something and be able to deny it later? I don't get it Gregg? HDPIII: but there is a better than 50/50 chance (IMHO) of going below 12 AnnieOkly3: Sheri was wanting to trick/trap Cardishian DurkeeL: Gregg, how much longer is the prosecution case going to go on? N2ition725: HDPIII...Darden just said they would go with 11 jurors if he has to Fixit3: Gregg - What did you think of OJ tape with police? AnnieOkly3: Set him up Ms Chessie: Gregg, why did Ito let OJ go on ranting to Johnnie Cochran during arguments? Wasn't it distracting? OnlineHost: Trpal has entered the room. MMadry: Ito is running out of jury OnlineHost: SoccerLau has left the room. Derek LL: HdpIII> seems likely, since the defense has yet to go ChrissAG: CTV are you guys going to cover the McVeigh trial? OssieBoo: Doesn't putting up this fight make Kardashian look "guilty?" OnlineHost: FiFi LaRuu has entered the room. CourtTV10: Blazier is a smart guy...but he's more scientist than trial no leading question CourtTV10: Prosecution case? 14 weeks...but maybe longer AnnieOkly3: Who listens to Darden?? N2ition725: Gregg..How did OJ get away with the behavior we saw today??? OnlineHost: Newmac has entered the room. Ms Chessie: Yes, Please answer question about OJ! CourtTV10: OJ tape with police? Release and playing of it by HARD COPY? Sleazy as usual Newmac: hi,big time freeze LarryS2K: Gregg, how different do you think O.J. trial would be with Weisberg as the judge? AnnieOkly3: I agree , Court. I like Blazier..nice guy DurkeeL: Can someone quickly tell me what this behavior was? DavidSut: Thanks for coming on line with us Gregg. Got to go. Good conference! Derek LL: courtTV>BLazier a former scientist?? HDPIII: I missed today. What behavior? MMadry: Ito likes Johnnie and needs him for later on CourtTV10: He got away with it because the jurors weren't present...if it's the same one I'm thinking AnnieOkly3: Larry, I was wondering about Weisberg, myself OnlineHost: AGW855 has entered the room. OnlineHost: JOZE 2 has entered the room. OnlineHost: Trpal has left the room. MomsDayIn: Court TV: do you think this jury will surprise us and bring in a verdict? OssieBoo: OJ was babbling away to Johnnie while Prosecutor was trying to talk Ms Chessie: While Kard's lawyer was arguing OJ was waving his arms, shaking his head, and speaking to Johnnie OnlineHost: DavidSut has left the room. CourtTV10: With Weisberg as judge -- it would take 3 years to complete. N2ition725: The gesturing, laughing, talking out loud, etc. Gregg? MMadry: Ito has political ambitions OnlineHost: Zilpah has entered the room. Ms Chessie: You're right is was the pros. Sorry N2ition725: There was no jury present? Ananias: For me, the high point of this trial was when Johnny Cochran replied to Ito that he'd call Linus Pauli Derek LL: OssieBoo>very interest cross examination AnnieOkly3: Moms, if Prosecution keeps going thru jurors like they are, there'll probable be a verdict CourtTV10: A verdict? I'm will be close on whether they'll reach deliberations Diazy: Where is Mr. Marine to Marine? Romany01: Gregg: Do you think Dr. Lee will actually ever end up on the stand? OnlineHost: StayMex has entered the room. CourtTV10: The OJ antics...that was when jurors were'nt present LarryS2K: Bye all, thanks for the answers Gregg, you're doing a terrific job. Ms Chessie: And were is Dardin? OnlineHost: Host Spike has entered the room. LEKB: Gregg: You seem pretty certain of a mistrial...due to insufficient jurors? OnlineHost: ChrissAG has left the room. OnlineHost: ChockyW has entered the room. AnnieOkly3: You're probable most right, Court. Host Spike: Hiya, Wink ; ) PegiJ: ALL: The jury was NOT present when OJ was being his most rambunctous, demonstrative.Judge let it slide OnlineHost: ChrissAG has entered the room. Ananias: Dardin is there. Just quiet. Host Wink: Hello Spike :) OnlineHost: ChrissAG has left the room. MMadry: and where is F Lee? OnlineHost: ChockyW has left the room. CourtTV10: Dr. Lee? I doubt we'll see either Lee or Dr. could backfire MomsDayIn: Since Ito is now trying to push things along, maybe it won't take as long, and who knows? Host Wink: Just let me know Spike :) OnlineHost: Traella has left the room. N2ition725: Didn't realize jury wasn't there thanks for info Gregg OnlineHost: JanetGK has left the room. Host Spike: All set : ) C92: CTV, I disagree, Weisberg lets in testimony but puts up with no BS from lawyers! CourtTV10: I'm not certain of a mistrial...just concerned PegiJ: Gregg: Isn't it true that jurors are more likely to drop off as deliberations become imminent? OssieBoo: Defense seems to be dragging cross-examinations on and on needlessly AnnieOkly3: When Prosecution gets the jury panel JUST right, the jurors will stop dissappearing Ananias: Has the security changed since the OKC Bombing? Fixit3: I would think pros would do very well with defense scientists. They will answer truthfully. OnlineHost: SoitBe has left the room. Host Wink: Folks ... my time has ended :).... Host Spike will be here with you from here on :) OnlineHost: DaveGoth has entered the room. CourtTV10: Yeah...but Weisberg allows argument ad nausium N2ition725: Bye Wink DurkeeL: Night Wink, always a pleasure. Host Wink: Mr. Jarrett......... continue and thanks! Derek LL: OssieBoo> where you bored by testimony today? Host Spike: Thanks, Wink!!! MthrMary: gregg, is it about time for oj to cop a plea? StayMex: Hi All! PegiJ: Nite Host Wink. See you tomorrow???? Newmac: bye wink Host Spike: ***Hi Folks! I'm Spike and I'll be your Host for the next 3 hours.*** Host Spike: ***Just a reminder, we follow AOL's Terms of Service in this room*** Host Spike: ***If you wish to brush up on them, use KEYWORD: TOS to do so*** Host Spike: ***Sit back and enjoy the chat here in Court TV's Law Center*** HDPIII: The defense sometimes asks one question too many on cross CourtTV10: The tough part for jurors is normally deliberations...contentious MMadry: Bye Wink L a w y 1: nite wink AnnieOkly3: Mr. Jarrett?????? Host Wink: Spike...... CourtTV10 is Mr. Gregg Jarrett of CTV :) MthrMary: nite wink Zilpah: Did it seem as if the fem. crim. lied intentionally about the initialling the bld samples? Host Wink: Yes Pegi :).. OnlineHost: LarryS2K has left the room. OnlineHost: R THAX has entered the room. Host Wink: Thanks all.. night to you too! N2ition725: Oj will cop a plea after two trials and two hung juries :) Diazy: Defense drags on figuring if they don't buy their lame theories they'll bore them into running off the CourtTV10: Thanks everyone...see you soon. Bye. Romany01: Gregg: How can the Defense explain away all these missing *experts* Diazy: jury into a mistrial MMadry: nite all OnlineHost: Host Wink has left the room. StayMex: Romany Hi cutie! OnlineHost: Wildcat415 has entered the room. OnlineHost: Wildcat415 has left the room. AnnieOkly3: Ah, Hah!! Mr. Jarrett, I have sumptin I wanna say to you.... OnlineHost: GLMJr has entered the room. C92: I'm a lawyer and , in 15 years I've never been allowed the "Cochran" advantage Fixit3: Bye gregg. Thanks OssieBoo: Derek -- I'll admit I haven't been able to watch as closely as before -- it's a little boring OnlineHost: Wildcat415 has entered the room. Romany01: Hi Stay :) OnlineHost: CourtTV10 has left the room.